Wilmington Dance Festival Performance:
Date: April 12, 7:30 p.m. Location: Kenan Auditorium
Co-Produced with Kenan Auditorium Presents. For information about this concert, please contact Nancy Carson at carsonn@uncw.edu or The Dance Cooperative at dancecooperative@gmail.com.
Important: There will only be 1 performance on April 12. There will be a series of lecture demonstrations and master classes taught to area schools for our outreach.
Evening Performance Performance at 7:30pm
If you have any questions, please reach out to Nancy Podrasky Carson at carsonn@uncw.edu or by phone at 910-470-9407
Wilmington Dance Festival Concert Fees:
Choreographers must submit either a $35 entry fee, an advertisement sale for the program, or secure a donation of $35 or more. If this fee provides a financial hardship, please email dancecooperative@gmail.com to discuss work study opportunities. Fees, donations, and advertising sales can be made through our online store.
Dancers/performers must submit either a $15 entry fee, an advertisement sale for the program, or secure a donation of $35 or more per concert regardless of numbers in which you will be performing. If this fee provides a financial hardship, please email dancecooperative@gmail.com to discuss work study opportunities. Fees, donations, and advertising sales can be made through our online store.
If you are in more that one piece, you only need to pay the fee once. If you are a choreographer AND dancer, you only need to pay the choreographer fee.
All proceeds go toward our Scholarship Fund and production costs.
Please check back for more information on future concerts, auditions, and other opportunities.
Community Dance Day
Date: May 18, 2024. Location: Hannah Block USO Community Arts Center.
This event is free and open to the public. Our dance school’s end of year showcase. This concert also features newer choreographers’ works as part of our Emerging Choreographers program as well as community dancers. If you are interested in our Emerging Choreographers program or to submit to this event as a community dancer, please email dancecooperative@gmail.com